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Meet Mey-lin

For as long as I can remember, I've always appreciated authenticity and transparency. I've valued connection with others, curiosity, and have always been passionate about sharing the wealth and giving other their flowers.


I like to think that these traits were little breadcrumbs that led me to the special opportunities I've experienced up until this point. I've worked with incredible brands, and worked alongside people whose minds I felt added value to my own in huge amounts. I feel rich because of it, and I want to share that.


Meyd Collective is a social professional group for everyone, and has been in works for years now. It's my life experiences; wins and losses, bundled into one big, cozy blanket to be shared with others.


My goal is for you to leave every event and activity with new knowledge and inspiration. Intentionality is the game. The only requirement here is a hunger to learn and grow. This group is designed to be a bridge for people of all experiences, and expertise. It's your hype team, your sounding board, and your safe space. 


I'm excited to share this journey with you, and hope that it will serve as a blessing to you as it has to me. 


P.S. if you're a business owner or professional, I'd like to invite you to connect. Please read this letter as a formal introduction to the group. 

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